
Monday, August 22, 2011



I apologize for not posting in so long!  I spent the weekend in Indianapolis with Mikey, and I ate like a queen.  A hillbilly queen.  We went to the Indiana state fair and we had a corn dog, beef tips, and a fried Snickers bar.  Pictures to come.

I have a paper to write and it's due tomorrow, so I will have to post on my trip another time.  I was supposed to work on this paper at Mikey's, but the food was not conducive to studying.  What do you do after you eat a corn dog, beef tips, and fried Snickers?  Sleep.  And that's what we did.

So in lieu of a food post, I will post a picture of my pup, Louie.

Doesn't he look comfortable? He is napping next to me, and he is in doggy dream world.  He's squeaking/barking and making raspberry noises (you know, when you purse your lips and force air out).  I wonder what he's dreaming about.  Eating I bet.  My dog loves to eat, and I bet he gets it from his mama (me, not his biological mama).  Here's another two pictures for your to illustrate how much he loves to eat.

Standing up and trying very hard to balance himself with his knubby legs
 (imagine him flapping his little legs as he attempts to balance)

Finally balanced, and with his very best "look at how cute I am" face on

Louie is pretty smart and he does a lot of tricks, but his favorite thing to do is stand up.  He'll stand up for anything: if he wants to eat, if he wants to be pet, if he wants to hop on the couch, if he is jealous of another pet and wants attention - he's a needy dog.  And he does it because he knows that we looove it.  It's just so cute to see a dog with such short legs stand up.  It's a gravity defying stunt, I tell ya.  So of course, since he is defying gravity, we can't resist it and give him whatever he wants.  I'm a bad mama.  In this case, he wanted the (super cute) hot dog treat that I got for him from a cute shop on Mass Ave.  A hot dog eating a hot dog.  Wait, is that morbid?  Cannibalistic?  Oh well, it's too cute not to post. 

Ok loves, gotta go work on my paper.  Wish me luck.

xoxo <3

P.S. If you're wondering if Louie usually sleeps with a pillow and a blanket, the answer is yes and no.  He does love to prop his head on a pillow (I let him sleep with me every night and I think he thinks he's human sometimes), but I put the blanket on him.  His underside is fur-less, so his private puppy goods were showing.  It was a leeettle indecent, and I didn't want to flash my pup's goods to y'all.  That would make me a really bad mama.

P.P.S.  Louers is obviously Louie's nickname.  I add "ers" to many names to create nicknames - Mikers, puppers (another Louie nickname). My name rhymes with Louie, so sometimes Mikey calls me Nhuers.  Random, I know, but now you know how to pronounce my name and you are one step ahead of 99% of this world.

1 comment:

  1. You and Louers are too freaking cute. I miss you guys so much already and you just left yesterday!
