
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sitting, waiting, wishing (and wondering)

My second post of the day. Sort of sad, but I skipped out on my rotation today and spent the entire day perusing the internet I had a lot of time to think.  Here goes..

Med school has been a time machine, of sorts.  Some people even joke that it's like being in high school again because we spend all of our time with the same 200 people for two years straight and it can get a bit clique-y.  I have definitely grown and matured in my 20+ years of school, but I still feel like I am far behind my friends.  Every time I get on Facebook, someone else is getting married, or having a baby, or doing something big in their life. While I am still in school. (but hopefully something big will happen to me in 5 months - namely, matching in ophthalmology!) 

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately, and there is one that I particularly love.  I love her style and her quirky posts, but I think I sorta love her life too.  At times I find myself a little... jealous.  She's 28 (a mere 2 years older than myself) and she has a husband and three beautiful children.  And here I am, not packing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my (hypothetical) kids, but packing them for myself. At least I'm not packing a juice box too.  Really, I'm not sad, but I just wonder what my life would be like if I followed the same path as my friends - or my mom (when she was 26, she had me!)  But, I have no regrets.  My dream has always been to become a physician, and I am well on that path.  And even though I long for children, I know that waiting will ensure them a better life than I lived when I was a kid.  

Mikey's dad has a simple saying - "delayed gratification". I just have to remind myself every so often.  

But I digress.. this is a food blog after all! I don't have a recipe for today since I ate salmon leftovers (which was DIVINE), but I promise to have a post tomorrow.  I am having dinner at Northstar Cafe with my long-lost cousin.  Ok, she's not long-lost, we've actually been in the same city for 3 years, but I haven't seen her since she was a kiddie.  And in less than a month, she's leaving for college. College!  I'm getting old, I tell ya. 

Ok, enough for now.  Goodnight!


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