
Friday, December 2, 2011


You know you're tired when you forget what day of the week it is, what state you're in.. or even what time zone you're in.  I guess interviewing will do that to ya.

Something else interviewing will do to ya - change your eating habits. All I've been eating is interview food (which has actually been quite good), and fast food [which has (not surprisingly) been horrible].  I'm ready to eat some home-cooked food again.  And vegetables!  Oh broccoli, oh spinach, how I miss thee.  My 6-year-old self is saying, "what the hell, you want vegetables?!"  Yes, 6-year-old Nhu-Y, I'd give all my french fries for something green right now.

Anyways, during my interview preparation, I stumbled upon this video and wept the entire time.  Ok, I didn't weep, but I did shed a few tears.  The budding ophthalmologist in me just wanted to reach out to this tiny kitten. I am such a softie for animals.  Watch the video, you'll see what I mean.

That is all for now.  I'm really going to prepare for my interview tomorrow morning and try to stay away from youtube.

No wait, that's not all - I miss you guys.  Promise I'll be back soon.

xoxo <3