Friday, December 2, 2011


You know you're tired when you forget what day of the week it is, what state you're in.. or even what time zone you're in.  I guess interviewing will do that to ya.

Something else interviewing will do to ya - change your eating habits. All I've been eating is interview food (which has actually been quite good), and fast food [which has (not surprisingly) been horrible].  I'm ready to eat some home-cooked food again.  And vegetables!  Oh broccoli, oh spinach, how I miss thee.  My 6-year-old self is saying, "what the hell, you want vegetables?!"  Yes, 6-year-old Nhu-Y, I'd give all my french fries for something green right now.

Anyways, during my interview preparation, I stumbled upon this video and wept the entire time.  Ok, I didn't weep, but I did shed a few tears.  The budding ophthalmologist in me just wanted to reach out to this tiny kitten. I am such a softie for animals.  Watch the video, you'll see what I mean.

That is all for now.  I'm really going to prepare for my interview tomorrow morning and try to stay away from youtube.

No wait, that's not all - I miss you guys.  Promise I'll be back soon.

xoxo <3

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Cám ơn

I hope you guys are with your loved ones having wonderful food!  I've eaten 2 (ok, 3) times, and now I'm watching Charlie Brown and waiting for midnight to roll around so I can go shopping!  Can you believe that stores open at midnight this year?  It just gets earlier and earlier each year.  My little brother told me that people were waiting in line at Best Buy since Tuesday.  As in 2 days before Thanksgiving.  Skipping Thanksgiving dinner to buy a TV?  That's bonkers. 

I wasn't anticipating on going shopping this year (you remember the 30-day shopping ban, right?), but this is the first time in years that my mom has Black Friday off and I really wanted to rekindle our Black Friday tradition before I start residency (and will no longer have time to shop.. or even time to go home).  I love my mamma and, really, what could be better than a little mother-daughter shopping?

Speaking of my mamma, I am extremely thankful for her.  As a matter of fact, the title of this post, "cam on" means "thank you" in Vietnamese.  My mom is the greatest woman I know.  She has sacrificed  everything - her time, her energy, her career - to ensure that my siblings and I are happy and successful.  And for that, Mom, I'd like to say "cam on".  Also, I am thankful for my mom for cooking American Thanksgiving foods when I asked her for them in my youth - turkey and mashed potatoes were not in my mom's repertoire of recipes, yet she went out of her way to give us the Thanksgiving that we wanted.  And now I am thankful that my mom cooks Vietnamese food for me on Thanksgiving, because that's what we really like.  She's the best.

I'm also thankful for my wonderful friends and family, for my Mikey, for my sweet kittens, for my cuddly puppy, for my education, and for all of the opportunities that I have had.  I am so blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends.

xoxo <3

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A quick hello

Sneak Peek

Missed you guys.  No recipe today, but I decided that I would give you a quick glimpse into my life :)

First, the animal loves in my life:
This is Max.  My first pet.  Isn't he handsome?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Vietnamese pork chops


Guys, I have a confession.  I have a love affair with Chicago (don't tell Mikey).  I've been to Chicago a bunch in the past, but the last time I was there, I could actually picture myself living in the city.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Banana bread


Sing with me guys: "This stuff is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s, this stuff is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s! (Let's keep it PG, my mom might be reading this.)  Things are starting to get bananas around here. I have 3 interviews in 3 states next week, and Mikey has 4 interviews in 4 states.  That's a crap-ton of traveling.  And a crap-ton of money, let me tell ya.  It's like a rite of passage that all fourth year medical students have to drop several thousand dollars every single year to get into residency.  As if we weren't in enough debt.  I'm po'.  That's right, I'm so poor, I'm just po'.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Spam musubi


So... how do you like the new look?  I spent half a day with my little brother trying to clean up my blog a bit (thanks Mickey!). I'm still working on it, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!  Or, if you know how to work a blog, please come help me!  If my little brother wasn't around, you wouldn't be reading this today.  Note to blog newbies - don't try to edit the code! 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bun Bo Hue (Beef and lemongrass noodle soup)


Hello my friends!!!  Oh how I've missed you.  I sincerely apologize for being a bit of a weenie lately, last month was a real "b" (I'm sure you can guess what that letter b stands for). To make a long story short, the month in Dayton was not exactly relaxing, and I had no time to do any of the things that I planned on doing (blog, cook, sew, make jewelry, etc).  Nope, it was never ending work.  And the worst part was all of the crap that I had to see.  Literally.  I worked with a gastroenterologist.  I can handle gross stuff - I want to touch people's eyes for a living - but last month was just icky.